Welalien Ache, thank you, everyone again for your love and solidarity in getting The Jailhouse Blues released, YAY! we got the album recorded pressed and distributed to women prisoners and there allies. In the Faithnet I want to share with you news about the two new jail projects I am working at for the next year , a sistering singing group and update you about camp sis.please feel free to check out the song below "Countin the Cash" in solidarity with all of us who have been through the psychiatric industrial complex- by Faith Nolan This sunny ,rainy summer and I gave thanks everyday for the sun, earth and sky, Well Summer is over. you can see my new goodtimes banjo in the pic. The album launch is finished and I am getting the songs out to media, slowly. I did a week of kids and adult choirs at Camp Naivelt this summer which was great fun and what a wow weekend of concerts with wonderful Naivelt performers where we celebrating Pete Seeger who performed at Naivelt and had the annual peace tea..As I approach sixty I am so happy to have been building decks(3) and a new porch , feeling joy and strength in the piney woods. Now I am back and forth from Toronto to the Piney woods. To start the Fall I will be two new music empowerment programs at two womens jail in Ontario. Along with songwriting, voicing and learning ukulele , guitar and banjo we will be trying out some music theatre.Thanks to ETFO and Kathleen Loftus for this ongiong support of the programs. Toyin, Pamela,Dinah, Pat A, Bo-Yi,Nadan, and Ash and I met as group over the spring and have corordinated six new volunteers women to come into one jail this fall to begin new writing, yoga, music and support programs for our sisters inside. Some women are working on getting transportation together so women and children can visit and arranging for rides for sisters who are released. One exciting Toronto Community event we will hold later this Fall will be a coat raising ( bring a coat to come to the concert , these coats will be given to women in jail ) I also begin singing workshops this fall at Sistering a safe space for women who are marginalizeds, poor, isolated on Thursdays. This summer Camp Sis was lucky enough to have our 2 spirited elder and caretaker of the land Doreen Silversmith stay at Camp sis. Doreen hosted the women who visited , camped and made gardens. Toyin and family+ friends are building a cabin they will stay in. Along with Patricia K. they are helping winterize the main house where Doreen stays, Patricia K. is also making plans to build a cabin at Camp Sis.Women have been fundraising at Camp Sis to pay the taxes and we will be holding a pay the tax event to get Camp Sis taxes together. Next summer 2015 we will once again hold the Camp Sis Retreat and Music Festival. need any info please email me at nolanfaith@yahoo.com, peace , joy and justice, faith